The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936.

The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936.
The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936. 0The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936. 1The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936. 2The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936. 3The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936. 4

The book about the Winter Olympiс games in Germany in 1936. Kampf und Sieg in Schnee und Eis. Winterolympia 1936. Herausgegeben von Dr. Hermann Harster und Baron Peter von le Fort unter Mitarbeit von Burghard frh. von Reznicek und Jozef Kirmaier. Knorr und Hirth Verlag G.m.b.h., München 1936. 111 pages


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