A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik

A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik
A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik 0A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik 1A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik 2A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik 3A unique lot of documents for a Latvian Bolshewik 4

A unique lot of documents for a Latvian in the Red Army. ID of the highest authority of the Voronezh Executive Committee, a certificate of graduation from the Communist University named after Sverdlov, graduating in 1925, a certificate of the People's Commissariat of Railways for the engineer-major of the administrative service Libet Yakov Vasilyevich. He is in the position of assistant to the head of the one-year school for the political part of the Latvian Railway.
1. ID book. The bearer of this is a member of the Voronezh Provincial Executive Committee of the Council of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, Yakov Vasilievich Libet. All individuals and institutions are invited to provide all possible assistance in the execution of their assigned assignments. He is entitled to store and carry firearms. Chairman of the Executive Committee Chuev, Ivan Aleksandrovich, secretary Krylyev ​
​2. Certificate of completion of three-year courses at the Communist University named after Y.M. Sverdlov. “Narrow practicality, divorced from the theoretical illumination of the movement as a whole, threatens to seduce the movement onto the wrong road” Lenin. Seal of the Russian Communist Bolshevik Party.

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