Carbolite made box with Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2. Rare.

Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2.  Rare.
Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2.  Rare. 0Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2.  Rare. 1Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2.  Rare. 2Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2.  Rare. 3Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. Pre-ww2.  Rare. 4

Carbolite made box with  Red Navy motives. The Red Navy sailor is  looking in his binoculars standing on the battleship with  the guns and the naval flag of the USSR at the background. The box produced pre-war at the Carbolit Factory and has well seen factory stamps. There is post-war  hand made gift inscription, but the box itself is for sure before ww2 made.  Excellent condition. Rarer item.   Size: 8х12х18см

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